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Events and
Open Days


Fermentation Course

Fermentation has been used as a way of preserving foods for millennia and the process is used to make many of our favourite food and drink including cheese, chocolate, wine and coffee!



Join for a thrilling day on our farm. With a morning session of pumpkin carving for children and adults.

Spoon Carving Workshop

Using axe, craft knife and hook knife we will fashion locally sourced native hardwoods into functional and beautiful spoons.

Working with Cob

Learn about, work on and see first hand the cob house, boiler-room (barn) and pizza oven we have built and use ourselves on site.

Open Days

Lambing & Goats

Enjoy a short afternoon session meeting our young new lambs, see them playing and enjoying the fresh spring grass and bottle feeding!

Wool Shearing

Our sheep will be shorn through the morning and we will be focusing on processing and preparing the wool for spinning and knitting.


Enjoy a short afternoon session focussing on our veg garden and this years harvest. Learn what you can grow seasonally and at home, how and when to harvest and store.



Enjoy a short afternoon session learning the basics and principles of bushcrafting. How to make a simple shelter as well as catch, forage and prepare your own food.


Enjoy an afternoon session focussing on the different methods and benefits of preserving a range of home-grown fruits and veg.

Apple Pressing

In addition to a wonderful day out with the family, this open day’s theme is ‘Apple Pressing!’ The whole days focus will be on the washing, pressing and TASTING of our fresh apple juice!